Wondering what to plant in summer for a 60-day cover crop?
The NRCS Great Basin Plant Materials Center, based in Fallon, Nevada, performs a 60-day cover crop trial on an area farm in Northern Nevada. What can grow in just 60
The NRCS Great Basin Plant Materials Center, based in Fallon, Nevada, performs a 60-day cover crop trial on an area farm in Northern Nevada. What can grow in just 60
In managed agricultural systems, species can be chosen to ensure that plant mixtures contain functional traits that contribute to achieving agronomic and environmental goals. Moreover, many diversification practices, such as
Despite the popularity of multispecies cover crop mixtures, there is little published evidence of their effects on subsequent crop yields, especially for multiple crops grown in rotation. We examined the
A success story in Lovelock, Nevada where several years of drought has plagued the area-and cover crops were the answer for some farmers. It was a gamble that paid off
Despite the common assumption that you can’t make cover crops work on dryland wheat in Eastern Oregon, Wasco County wheat grower Noah Williams is determined to find a solution. By
Warm season cover crops are not currently widely used in western Oregon, but they could be incorporated into crop rotations to serve a variety of purposes, including mitigating for an
Dave Brandt discusses long-term cover cropping in annual crop systems at Dansville, Pennsylvania, in March 2016 during the Columbia County Conservation District Soil Health Conference. Dave’s decades of experience comes
The purpose of this project was to examine potential benefits of cover crops for mature hazelnut orchards in the Willamette Valley, Oregon where 99% of the US hazelnut crop is
Cover crop establishment following processed vegetable culture in Western Oregon is a challenge because harvest often occurs late into the fall. Soil may already be saturated from fall rains, and
The main objectives of this multi-year project were to: 1) Evaluate how planting times, seeding rates, and seeding equipment affected multi-species cover crop establishment. 2) Investigate three different cover crop
Cover crop establishment in late-season crops, like sweet corn, may be difficult due to the relatively short operational window following crop harvest. In regions like western Oregon, where fall-precipitation can
PFI Cover Crop variety trial including cereal rye, oats, winter wheat, winter barley, hairy vetch, brown mustard, rapeseed, radish, turnips and field pennycress. Small plots established into standing corn &
PFI Cover Crop variety trial including cereal rye, oats, winter wheat, winter barley, hairy vetch, brown mustard, rapeseed, radish, turnips and field pennycress. Small plots established into standing corn &
PFI Cover Crop variety trial including cereal rye, oats, winter wheat, winter barley, hairy vetch, brown mustard, rapeseed, radish, turnips and field pennycress. Small plots established into standing corn &
PFI Cover Crop variety trial including cereal rye, oats, winter wheat, winter barley, hairy vetch, brown mustard, rapeseed, radish, turnips and field pennycress. Small plots established into standing corn &
PFI Cover Crop variety trial including cereal rye, oats, winter wheat, winter barley, hairy vetch, brown mustard, rapeseed, radish, turnips and field pennycress. Small plots established into standing corn &
This project examined the effects of three winter cover crop species grown singly and combined in multispecies mixtures on selected biological indicators of soil health and determined the changes of
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