Exploring New Clover Cover Crops for Corn
The East Texas Plant Materials Center (ETPMC) is working jointly with the US Forest Service (USFS) and East Texas Natives to develop a locally adapted swamp sunflower ecotype for use
Evaluation of growth characteristics and production attributes of commercially available varieties/cultivars and local sources of selected cover crops identified by NRCS State Agronomists/Soil Health Contacts and PMC staff. This study
Cool season cover crops provide multiple benefits between cash crops, including suppressing weeds, reducing erosion, adding nitrogen, increasing organic matter and improving soil health. Numerous varieties of cover crop species
Cool season, annual grasses and legumes have multiple benefits as a cover crop for soil conservation and soil health, livestock forage and wildlife habitat improvement. Success of the planting depends
Trial conducted in Wisconsin examining the pros and cons of Red Clover, Cereal Rye and Radish
Cover crops have the potential to provide many soil health and crop production benefits, but their success depends upon selection and use of species and varieties adapted to the local
The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network approaches topics that are critical to farmer productivity, profitability, and sustainability. These topics include nutrient management, pest control, irrigation strategies, conservation programs, new technologies, soil
The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network approaches topics that are critical to farmer productivity, profitability, and sustainability. These topics include nutrient management, pest control, irrigation strategies, conservation programs, new technologies, soil
The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network approaches topics that are critical to farmer productivity, profitability, and sustainability. These topics include nutrient management, pest control, irrigation strategies, conservation programs, new technologies, soil
The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network approaches topics that are critical to farmer productivity, profitability, and sustainability. These topics include nutrient management, pest control, irrigation strategies, conservation programs, new technologies, soil
The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network approaches topics that are critical to farmer productivity, profitability, and sustainability. These topics include nutrient management, pest control, irrigation strategies, conservation programs, new technologies, soil
Multiple studies reported to the Midwest Cover Crop Council showing best practices for cover crop use in North Dakota row crop operations.
Cover crops are the work horses of a vegetable crop rotation. They do the heavy jobs of adding organic matter, supplying nitrogen, and suppressing weeds. However, the biomass these allies
Earlier this year 258 Nebraska farmers responded to a UNL survey, sharing information and insights on their current management practices and the use of cover crops in Nebraska cropping systems.
Brassica cover crop trial in Michigan. Planting date August 13, 2010
Very little practical research data exists on cover crop mixture success & feed quality in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, so a team of Michigan State University researchers recently developed a project
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