Cover crop termination date trials information and results
The major goal of this Missouri termination date trial is to determine if delayed termination of cover crops in the spring affects grain yield.
The major goal of this Missouri termination date trial is to determine if delayed termination of cover crops in the spring affects grain yield.
The major goal of this Missouri termination date trial is to determine if delayed termination of cover crops in the spring affects grain yield.
Cover crops have great value for improving soil and controlling weeds in many types of cropping systems. This variety test aims to provide information on suitability of cover crops in
Farmers reported that in 63 of 70 site-years, properly managed cover crops had little to no negative effect on corn and soybean yield (and actually increased soybean yield in 10
Farmers reported that in 63 of 70 site-years, properly managed cover crops had little to no negative effect on corn and soybean yield (and actually increased soybean yield in 10
Field experiments investigating the effect of cover crops and tillage on muskmelon production and food safety (Iowa State University) and cucumber and acorn squash production (Michigan State University) were conducted.
Addition of an overwintering small grain mixed with a frost-seeded legume to corn-soy rotations may reduce N fertilizer requirements and mitigate negative environmental impacts of this cropping system. The small
This project examined the effects of three winter cover crop species grown singly and combined in multispecies mixtures on selected biological indicators of soil health and determined the changes of
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