Field Day highlights
“This is a chance for farmers to dig into the soil, talk to those who’ve had success,” Murdock said. “We will have on-farm soil pits where producers can see the difference between treated and untreated land and hear firsthand from farmers who have transformed shallow, unproductive fields into deep, high-yielding soils. It’s one thing to read about in a report — it’s another to stand in a field where fragipan used to be a problem and see how much better the crops are growing.”
The field day is free and open to the public.
The event will start at 9 a.m. CT March 13 at Paschall Ag Operations, 1434 Billy Paschall Rd., in Murray, Kentucky. To reserve a spot or learn more, please contact Matt Chadwick at the Calloway County Extension Office, 270-753-1452, or email