Intersowing Cover Crops into Standing Soybean in the U.S. Upper Midwest

Most research on cover crop intersowing or sowing after soybean has been done with rye. This cover crop has proven to have many advantages. However, in the Upper Midwest many growers also grow wheat or other cereals after soybean in which sequence rye is not an alternative. Rye is difficult to terminate early in the season, since temperatures are low, and many herbicides will not completely kill the rye. Any rye plants surviving in the wheat crop will be a grain contaminant, which will be docked at harvest, hurting the grower’s profits. The objectives of this work were to determine the following aspects of cover crops intersown into standing soybean; cover crop performance under the soybean leaf canopy at two different sowing dates, effects of cover crops on soybean yield and subsequent spring wheat yield, and cover crop scavenging ability of soil NO3-N.

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