Category: Pest/Disease Control

Influence of Cover Crops on Insect Pests and Predators in Conservation Tillage Cotton

Infall2000,anon-farmsustainableagriculturalresearchprojectwasestablishedforcotton, GossypiumhirsutumL.,inTiftCounty,Georgia.Theobjectiveofour2-yrresearchprojectwastodetermine theimpactofseveralcovercropsonpestandpredatorinsectsincotton.TheÞvecovercroptreatments included1)cerealrye,SecalecerealeL.,astandardgrasscovercrop;2)crimsonclover,Trifoliumincarnatum L., a standard legume cover crop; 3) a legume mixture of balansa clover, Trifolium michelianum Savi; crimsonclover;andhairyvetch,ViciavillosaRoth;4)alegumemixtureryecombination;and5)nocover crop in conventionally tilled Þelds.


Growing Mustard for Biofumigation

Biofumigation is the suppression of soil born pests and diseases through the use of plants that produce inhibitory chemicals, also known as secondary metabolites. In most cases these biofumigant plants


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