Varieties of several cover crop species were evaluated in 2019 as part of Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station(MAFES)small-plot trials.
Varieties of several cover crop species were evaluated in 2019 as part of Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station(MAFES)small-plot trials.
Cover crops (CC) can contribute to production in pastures, but the diversity of CC mixtures and defoliation frequency (DF) may alter productivity. A 2-yr experiment conducted at Raymond, MS, quantified
Cover crops are increasingly being included in lists of best management practices for water quality, but their adoption among non-organic farmers has been slow. One approach to increasing the use
Establishment and growth of tillage radish alone and alongside annual and winter hardy cover crop species were evaluated amongst tillage and fertility treatments. Cover crops were planted after wheat harvest
Upper Midwest inter-seeding study conducted to evaluate the establishment and growth of a variety of cover crop monocultures and mixtures across multiple environments and their effect on maize growth and
Many agricultural watersheds in Minnesota have toxic levels of phosphorus and nitrogen, much of which originates in agricultural fields that are fallowed from October through May. Autumn-sown winter cover crops
Brassica cover crop trial in Michigan. Planting date August 13, 2010
The potential benefits of different covercrops, biological control amendments, and vegetable rotation on soil chemical and biological properties, crop development and yield, and disease development in organic vegetable production, as
Dispersal of natural enemies from buckwheat cover crop plots embedded within a southern California vineyard during spring and summer was investigated by using an arthropod mark-capture technique.
Cover cropping is a common practice in U.S. Midwest carrot production for soil conservation, and may affect soil ecology and plant-parasitic nematodes—to which carrots are very susceptible. This study assessed
Very little practical research data exists on cover crop mixture success & feed quality in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, so a team of Michigan State University researchers recently developed a project
Cover crops have great value for improving soil and controlling weeds in many types of cropping systems. This variety test aims to provide information on suitability of cover crops in
Organic no-till (NT) management strategies generally employ high-residue cover crops that act as weed-suppressing mulch. In temperate, humid regions such as the mid-Atlantic USA, high-residue winter cover crops can hinder
Organic farmers are challenged by increasing soil P levels resulting from the use of manure to meet cash crop N needs. The use of a legume cover crop may address
Cover crops are important management practices for reducing nitrogen (N) leaching, especially in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, which is under total maximum daily load (TMDL) restraints. Winter cereals are common
This article reports on field experiments that addressed two primary objectives: (1) compare cover crop establishment and biomass production of drill-interseeded grass and legume cover crops and corn performance across
The practice of planting cover crops during fallow periods has increased due to the benefits provided to the soil system, including improved nutrient cycling, addition of organic matter and a
Conventionally managed, continuous monoculture row-crop production has depleted the soil of nutrients, organic matter, and overall productivity. This has increased the need for external inputs, specifcally N, to meet crop
Agroecosystem nitrogen (N) loss produces greenhouse gases, induces eutrophication, and is costly for farmers; therefore, conservation agricultural management practices aimed at reducing N loss are increasingly adopted.
The potential nutrient cycling benefits from legumes (e.g. N2-fixation) and the high biomass potential of cereal rye are well known. Further studies are warranted to evaluate bi-culture mixtures and their