Adam Chappell- The Why of Cover Crops
Discover the why of cover crops with local Arkansas grower Adam Chappell of Chappell Farm in Cotton Plant, Arkansas. Adam shares his story and what he’s learned since incorporating cover
Discover the why of cover crops with local Arkansas grower Adam Chappell of Chappell Farm in Cotton Plant, Arkansas. Adam shares his story and what he’s learned since incorporating cover
Cover crop varieties available today are numerous, however information on which varieties of each species are best adapted to specific regions is largely unavailable. The Natural Resources Conservation Service Plant
The present study investigated the short-term effects of a seven species multi-mix cover crop treatment on soil nutrient content and microbial diversity, compared to a single-mix cover crop treatment and
Intensified cover-cropping practices are increasingly viewed as a herbicide-resistance management tool but clear distinction between reactive and proactive resistance management performance targets is needed. We evaluated two proactive performance targets
We conducted a two-year, four-season field experiment on the potential of various cover crops during the summer seasons of both years, followed by monocultures of cash crops during winters. We
Varieties of several cover crop species were evaluated in 2019 as part of Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (MAFES) small-plot trials. Entries were provided by seed companies as well
Varieties of several cover crop species were evaluated in 2019 as part of Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (MAFES) small-plot trials. Entries were provided by seed companies as well
Varieties of several cover crop species were evaluated in 2019 as part of Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (MAFES) small-plot trials. Entries were provided by seed companies as well
Varieties of several cover crop species were evaluated in 2019 as part of Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (MAFES) small-plot trials. Entries were provided by seed companies as well
Nitrogen and Forage Value of Cover Crop Varieties Trialed at Mississippi State University
The purpose of this study is to evaluate growth characteristics of annual, cool season grass, legume, and forb cultivars to determine their adaptation for cover cropping in the Northern Great
This study published by the United States Department of Agriculture evaluated “forty-three commercially available varieties of seven common annual, cool-season cover crop species for their adaptation to the Inland Pacific
Adaptation of Cool Season Commercial Cover Crop Cultivars and Source Cultivars in North-Central Texas and Southwestern Oklahoma
Evaluation of Cool Season Cover Crops in the Great Basin
Evaluation of Cool Season Cover Crops in the Mid-South
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