2016 Cover Crop Mix in Corn Silage Trial
Late harvest of corn silage can limit the ability to properly establish cover crops in the fall. Interseeding cover crops or earlier corn harvest can help get cover crops seeded
Late harvest of corn silage can limit the ability to properly establish cover crops in the fall. Interseeding cover crops or earlier corn harvest can help get cover crops seeded
While growing corn silage,it is important to plan for soil health management during the season. Cover cropping is one way to prevent soil erosion, maintain and/or improve soil nutrients, improve
Many farmers have realized the multitude of benefits cover crops provide in terms of soil health and fertility. Most farmers, however, plant cover crops in the fall to protect their
This project stems from the need to protect our soil and water resources, reduce our dependence on chemical inputs, improve soil health and fertility, and increase dependable production of healthy
Cover crops have the potential to provide many soil health and crop production benefits, but their success depends upon selection and use of species and varieties adapted to the local
In west Texas, no-till planting cotton into rye or wheat cover crops reduced growth and lint yield of cotton compared with no cover crop. Production of allelopathic compounds, a known
The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network approaches topics that are critical to farmer productivity, profitability, and sustainability. These topics include nutrient management, pest control, irrigation strategies, conservation programs, new technologies, soil
The Rolling Plains of Texas are characteristic of a low input, high risk environment with semi-arid conditions and sporadic, high intensity storms followed by periods of long drought. Agricultural practices
The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network approaches topics that are critical to farmer productivity, profitability, and sustainability. These topics include nutrient management, pest control, irrigation strategies, conservation programs, new technologies, soil
Cotton producers are interested in adopting conservation tillage for potential soil health benefits such as increasing soil microbial biomass. However, little is known about the resulting impacts of cover crops
The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network approaches topics that are critical to farmer productivity, profitability, and sustainability. These topics include nutrient management, pest control, irrigation strategies, conservation programs, new technologies, soil
The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network approaches topics that are critical to farmer productivity, profitability, and sustainability. These topics include nutrient management, pest control, irrigation strategies, conservation programs, new technologies, soil
Cover crops have been proposed as a resource that could enhance the effect of no‐till (NT) cropping systems. Crop yield limitations due to cover crops in the U.S. Great Plains
The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network approaches topics that are critical to farmer productivity, profitability, and sustainability. These topics include nutrient management, pest control, irrigation strategies, conservation programs, new technologies, soil
One alternative method for flatheaded borer management investigated here is the use of cover crops to camouflage or otherwise make the tree crop an undesirable host for borer eggs. This
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