Session 2: IKW Cover Crop Webinar, January 27, 2021
Robert Zupancic, Natural Resources Conservation Service Grazing Specialist, and Jason Tower, Southern Indiana Purdue Ag Center Superintendent, discuss the management of grazing cover crops.
Robert Zupancic, Natural Resources Conservation Service Grazing Specialist, and Jason Tower, Southern Indiana Purdue Ag Center Superintendent, discuss the management of grazing cover crops.
Paul Jasa, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, broadcast live from the UNL farm shop to demonstrate planter set-up and adjustments for high residue conditions, going into detail about common issues
AJ Adkins, NTM Ag Equipment, broadcasts live from a Brownsburg, IN farm shop and reviews planter modification options from front of a row unit to the back – trash wheels
Before adopting a new conservation practice, a farmer makes a series of decisions – financial, operational, managerial, and personal. In this webinar, North-Central Indiana farmer, SWCD Supervisor, and NACD Soil
Ask just about any farm who “plants green” – planting a commodity crop into a living cover – and they will tell you their first foray was not planned, Mother
Updated: 6/3/2021 Rick Clark, 5th generation farmer has been using cover crops for over 10 years on his 7,000 acre family farm. 1,200 of Clark Land and Cattle is certified
A success story in Lovelock, Nevada where several years of drought has plagued the area-and cover crops were the answer for some farmers. It was a gamble that paid off
Have you received your free copy of the NEW Cover Crop Basics, 3rd Edition? Order for yourself, your neighbor, or your soil health event today!