Successful Annual Ryegrass Termination with Herbicides
Annual ryegrass adaptability, quick establishment, and aggressive growth are also considered to be characteristics of a weed. The annual ryegrass we know as a cover crop is the same species
Annual ryegrass adaptability, quick establishment, and aggressive growth are also considered to be characteristics of a weed. The annual ryegrass we know as a cover crop is the same species
On farms in the Midwest, Annual ryegrass has sometimes been observed in fields a year or more after the original seed was planted. There is a perception that when it
Annual ryegrass is a vigorous cool-season grass with an extensive root system. As a cover crop, annual ryegrass helps prevent erosion, builds soil organic matter, improves soil tilth, captures residual
Cover crops slow erosion, improve soil, smother weeds, enhance nutrient and moisture availability, help control many pests and bring a host of other benefits to your farm. At the same
The following sections include 22 species that are used throughout the Northeast as cover crops. After each section and at the end of this review, the sources of information used
Agricultural landscapes can present many threats to native bee communities. Such threats include destruction or fragmentation of natural habitat and the food and nesting resources it provides for pollinators, as
The fifth annual cover crop survey by the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program and the Conservation Technology Information Center draws on the insight of 2,102 farmers—88% of whom reported
Cover crops (CC) preceding corn may influence subsequent nitrogen (N) availability, but it is not clear whether N strategies require adjustment. Field studies conducted in 2015 to 2016 evaluated the
Introducing summer cover crops to the system could increase soil conservation and farm profitability if grazed. Short-term benefits of planting a summer cover crop might include reduced soil erosion in
Within semi-arid environments, reduction in soil moisture by cover crops is a potential disadvantage. Water is often the most limiting factor in crop production across the U.S. Great Plains. Water
By nearly any account, 2019 was a brutal year for many American farmers. The year started with heavy snow cover and continued with the wettest spring on record in many
Cover crops are widely viewed by the soil and water conservation community to be an effective means for reducing soil erosion and nutrient loss and increasing soil health, yet relatively
Moving agricultural production systems toward a greater level of soil health is needed for sustainability. Conservation agricultural systems utilizing no or minimum tillage are an important step forward, but enhancing
Pennycress can be used as a renewable biomass because its harvested seeds can be converted into biofuel, supplying, for example the aviation industry. Pennycress can be adopted as a winter
Soil compaction is a form of degradation affecting future global food security and continues to be a problem for farmers in many parts of the world. Over the past few
Have you received your free copy of the NEW Cover Crop Basics, 3rd Edition? Order for yourself, your neighbor, or your soil health event today!